
Does your website sell your business?
Our designs present a crafted image that showcases your brand and connects with your customers.

We offer three flavors of website design to fit your needs and your budget. Designs are usually realized first for the website and then later adapted for other purposes, such as emails and social media. 

Website Design

Website Design Example
Beacon Home Care (Albany, CA)

Our standard Website Design provides a quality, contemporary, mobile-friendly design for your website driven by your content. We typically use full-screen photos, and long scrollable layouts (very common on today's leading websites) that beckon exploration within. A slideshow is often used on the Home page, and a background video can be substituted for a more cutting-edge effect. As always, judicious use of calls to action (particularly "above the fold") are a must for overall success. This level of design provides two layouts: one for the Home page and another simplified version for the inside content pages.

Premium Website Design

Premium Design Example
McCutcheon Construction (Berkeley, CA)

Premium Design expands upon our standard website design in a variety of potential ways, depending upon the situation. We can create page specific designs, for example product display, blog formats, etc. We can increase the number of concepts or iterations. We can create custom illustrations, animations, or icons. We can do mobile-specific layouts. All of these features can increase the richness and depth of the design, depending upon the preferences and budget of the client. 

Web Design Tune-Up

Saint Joseph Notre Dame High School Home Page

Design Tune-Up Example
SJND High School (Alameda, CA)

Have a website design that you're basically happy with? Perhaps it's just a little dated? Maybe it needs to be widened to full-screen, requires a new menu system, or the addition of social media icons. Our Design Tune-Up is for those times when you want to keep the basic elements of your design, but breathe new life into it. Not completely reimagine the design, but rather freshen it up and bring it up to code. Often we will upgrade to the latest Content Management System (CMS) at the same time. 

Email Design

Responsive email newsletter

Email Design Example
Coral Reef Alliance (Oakland, CA)

Often your best new customers are the ones that you already have! A well presented Email Design is a fast and cost-effective way to reconnect with customers, partners, and friends. This can result in new orders and referrals in a predictable, ongoing basis. 

However, it's not as easy as it seems! A good newsletter must be designed with as much care as your website, and the technical challenge of working properly on every device, browser, and email service is significant. Our email newsletter design makes sure it's done right. 

Logo Design

Logo Design Example
Beacon Home Care (Albany, CA)

A logo is the foundation of a strong company identity and brand and is typically a prerequisite for a website design. If you have a logo that you are happy with, then we can use it to fashion a website design. However, if you do not have a logo or are dissatisfied with the one that you do have, then using our Logo Design service we can create one for you that represents your brand and conveys your desired image.

Brochure Design

Brochure Design Example
Rubicon Landscape Svcs (Richmond, CA)

In the early days of the Internet, the website was known as an "online brochure". While it has certainly evolved to be something much more than that, it is important that your "paper" and "cyber" identities are in alignment. If you already have a printed brochure, then we can create a website to match. However, if you do not have a brochure or are dissatisfied with the one that you do have, then with our Brochure Design service we can create a brochure concurrently with your new website so that the design and content match and synergies. It is also more cost effective to create both simultaneously as an ensemble.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work with other designers?

Yes! Sometimes a client already has a designer who has already developed their company identity,  brochure, or the beginnings of a site design. We can work with your designer (or their designs) to turn this into a fully functioning website. Our portfolio projects that have "Third Party Design" in the description are examples of such collaborations.

I also need a logo. Can you create one?

Logo development is typically done as a separate project, often before the website design. We can arrange for a logo to be created as an add-on. And we recommend that it be done first so that the website design works well with and matches the logo. 

What is your process for developing a design?

It is not uncommon for a client to have had a bad experience with a designer in the past. Often they say something like, "if I knew what I wanted, then I woudn't have hired a designer." This can happen when the designer has insufficient experience or lacks a sufficiently robust process. 

We have a time-tested design process that will deliver the level of design that you expect. We begin with the site content, since these days content drives design. Then, depending upon level of design, develop color palettes, wireframes, and finally Home page design concepts. Once the Home page design is selected and refined, we then develop specific designs for interior pages. 

Can you make a brochure to match my website?

We certainly can! One purpose that a website can serve is that of an online brochure. Therefore, it only makes sense that your have a paper "offline" brochure to match. Our designers can do both as part of the same effort. This makes sure that they match as well as economizes on costs.