My Geeky Valentine

Once again, it's time for Valentine shopping. What are you getting your loved one, and will it be something that celebrates the things they love? Here's a simple but perfect thing: Star Trek sleep shirts- comfy, sexy, classic. Get it in command gold if they're a top, and blue for a bottom! Just don't get red, obviously, because no lover wants to feel disposable. Unless you guys are into Redshirt Snuffplay, which we really hope isn't a thing and aren't going to Google.

Along those lines, here's some things that just aren't cool and will kill your V-day buzz: any LOTR "One Ring" jewelry. So creepy! Or this horrible, one-two punch objectifying AND body-shaming Supergirl pj set. Or these Robin boxers with a cape. No-one needs a cape for their ass. Or, anything else from our "Most ridiculous results of the mainstreaming and appropriation of geek culture" pinboard. The key to geek gift-giving is a gift that shows it was created by someone who loves geek culture as much as your dear one.

There's plenty of great jewelry and accessory choices out there, as a quick Etsy search on a classic phrase will show.

Relatedly, there's also a new sleepshirt from Her Universe that has "I love you" on the front- and when you turn off the light, "I know" appears in glow in the dark ink.

There are sellers on Etsy who specialize in geekwear and geekwares. This Fhloston Paradise t-shirt is as charming as a Blue Sun shirt, but a little more unique. The seller has a huge selection of geek and pop culture shirts, some of which are clever.

Black Milk's Batman line just went on sale today; we don't like any of the pieces, but twentysomethings love Black Milk. And on the cute tip, there's both Men's and Women's cuts in this "giant sloth clinging to the Empire State Building" T-shirt.

If you're looking for a more collaborative gift, there's now a Polaroid camera that prints instant pictures without ink- AND, they're stickers. Note: do not go to work with the sex pictures still stuck all over your face.

Looking for more inspiration? Try our geek stuff that gets it right board, or our Geeky Fashion and Geek Design boards!
